Tuesday 24 June 2008


got talking about tattoos to my friend so now im posting a pic so she can c :D
this is the one on m back its the first bar of the corus of the song i posted the other day i got it jsut after chirstmass
i also sketch heart on my hip and a star on the other side of my hip
i also have a star on my right are right in the middle its rly rly small, avril has the same tattoo we got them together lol
im getting cherrie blosems round my music tatto i always wanted cherrie blossems bu then i found this quote online abut cherrie blossem tattos and it jsut confirmed howmuch i want it..this is wat it sed
In Japanese culture the cherry blossom symbolizes the brevity of life. You see, this flower only blooms for a short period of time. It encourages everyone to appreciate what little time they have on this Earth and it promotes gratitude for what they are given. As a tattoo, this symbol could remind you that all things pass in time and that bad situations won't last forever. It can be comforting especially in times of grief or other hardship. It's definitely something you can look at and cherish forever - no matter how old you get.

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