Friday 20 June 2008

big date.....

so today i was just sitting in my garden enjoying the sun and watching fransesca play in the garden when all of a suddon i get a msg on my phone, its from sean!! ok i know i gave him my number but i wasnt rly expecting to hear from him this soon if at all!! so after some gental nudging from a good friend i agreed to go ona date with him!!

now im sitting all dressed up.....but still loking casual....waiting for him to come pick me up!! this is my first date ever! ok iv had boy friends in the past but iv never bein on a proper first date lol im so nervouse!! im excited to though im looking forward to getting to know him and learning more about ireland....ok ok i admit it i jsut want to listin to him talk all night cos i do love his accent!! wish me luck i need it for this date lol

fransesca is spending another night with her favroute uncles she is very excited about it cos she knows they will give her candy wich she is not normaly allowed lol oo before i forget i found this pic of her from last halloween i tihnk its so cute, she was dressed up as a wich but by the time this pic was takin she had takin of her little witches hat... its still rly cute tho she ha jsut started walking about 2 days before it was takin to :)
anyways i better get going. wish me luck agen lol xxx

1 comment:

yellow_gin said...

is it me? am i the nudger? hehe :) i bet u look cute all dressed up but looking casual