Thursday 19 June 2008

first blog

this is my first blog, what do i wright? i am the worst person when it comes to the internet! i dont have facebook i dont have my space or anything like that so if i lose track of this blog i am sorry but im sure if you annoy me enough i will update!!!

i should introduce myself just incase people who dont know me read this!! my name is michelle i am 21 years old i have a two year old daughter called fransesca. i was born in ontario canada where i lived with my mum dad and older brother and sister but now i live in california in a nice little house just two doors down from my sister (great for baby sisting when she is not working!) im curently doing apart a part time collage course in pre med.

i guess i should tell you about my day then! well i was awoken at about 6.30am by my lovley daughter who was demanding to be fed but of course when i put her breakfast infront of her she shouted her favroute word now but procceded to eat anyway....she is a strange child and it does get stranger. then after fransesca whent down for her afternoon nap i got some house work done and a little unpacking. we spent the rest of the day running around the yard playing games and having the odd dip in the pool to cool down, now i am sitting in the sun keeping a watchful eye on fransesca so that she doesnt eat anymore mud! tonight i am going on a very rair night out wih some girl friends my brother and my brother in law and going to babysit. i am so so so excited i cant wait to get all dressed up and stay up till the break of dawn!! im staying with rosie my friend so i dont have to worrie about the usual early morning feed (haha to mat and deryk)

i will try and update agen soon with something more intresting ! thanks for reading! xx

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