Saturday 21 June 2008

its stupidly early but im happy

its soooooo early in the of the joys of being a mother lol you have to get up when your kid gets up.i dont even want to look at the clock im to scared to but i know its early lol fransesca is happy tho she is eatig her breakfast and singing to herself lol the girl is constantly singing i think i have a star in the making lol

my date last night was better than i thought i would be im so glad i went lol i got picked up right on time and he took me to this lovley little italian restraunt id never bein to it before. its was rly nice in side it was rly small but all the tabels had there own little area under arch ways and the hole place was lit by canddles very romantic. i had lovley pasta probs some of th best pasta iv ever had i think!! we talked for ages about everything agen and i even learned some irish swear words lol (pogmahone (sp) means kiss my arse lol) we talked alot about fransesca to he seimd rly intrested in her wich was good cos i always worrie about meeting guys when you have a baby some of them would dumb you strait away when they found out but he rly didnt seim to mind, he knows i come as a pair :) after our dinner we deicded to go for a walk along the beach cos it was such a nice night it was warm and breezy atthe same time, just the right temp lol we walked for a little wile thn sat in the sand... he put his jacket down so i didnt get sand on my dress he is such a gental man lol he put his arm round me and we jst sat in silence for ages, it was a comfortable silece tho then he turned round and kissed me (hehehehehe) he is a very good kisser! we kissed for wat seimd like ages... hnestly is could of bein 5 mins or 50 i rly wasnt aware of time jsut lost in the moment :) we walked for a little wile after that then he drove me own walked he up to the door and gave me another good night kiss :D rly was the perfect date :D imseeing him agen today we are going to the park with fransesca :)

i got home late but not to late lol but when i opend my door fransesca was running round half in her pjs bein chasesd by deryk will mat trid to clean up, it looked like a bomb had hit my living room lol of course fransesca looked very pleased with her self she rly does love spending time with her uncles lol (or unci dek and unci mac as she calls them) after the guys left i managed to get her into her pjs and calmed down with a nice bottle of milk and a cuddle she was asleep in ten mins and when down for the night.

il update agen later and let ya know how my day whent but right now im to tierd to think of anything more to say lol xx

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