Monday 23 June 2008

the day so far

its bein a good day, i got some studying done wich im pleased about i like to be on top of my studying. fransesca was playing in the garden and i sat in my sun lounger with my books and studied, i learned more abut the heart today i kno the workings of the heart inside and out lol

after studying sean cameround for lunch and i made stir fry, we studied a little bit to tested each other on some stuff i tihnk we are becoming study buddies and good friendsmaby more but i dont know aaa im so confused lol i dont get boys at all not that sean is doing anything to confuse me he is textbook perfect i just worrie abut falling for someone agen. i rly like him alot an awful lot butpart of me doesnt want to like him cos i feel like i shouldnt that wierd? he is so sweet tho and so understanding about everything. he is coming over and tonight to hang out...are we spending to much time together? he lives so close by its easy to c each other alot and he doesnt know very many people over hear and all my friends hear were avrils friends first so its a little strange but its nice to havemyown friend that i have made hear :) jeez i like him to much this is not good

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