Tuesday 24 June 2008


its 4.30in the morning and i cant sleep lol sean is still hear lol we was matching a movie and fell asleep lol i woke up like an hour later lol this is crazy why can i not sleep??4 days and running lol

im going to canada at the weekend i think that is stressing me out, for the first time ever i do not want to g to canada lol i know its going to be upsetting when im there and floods of memories will be coming back to me, its scareing me slightly. i think fransesca will enjoy it she loves seing my parents even tho my mom is down in la most of the time. she will aslo get to see her ther grand parents, im not sure how that will go. they dont see her alot i think it is very hard for them to see her as cos she is like john.

i dont have much planned for today, iv my end of term exams comming up. im not to nervouse about them iv bein studying every day and sean is helping me with things im stuck at and helping him to its good to have a studdy buddy :)

deryck is taking fransesca out for a few hours today so il get some quiet time. he is so good to her, all my family is she is a very lucky kid :D

miss my sister loads cant wait till she is back..... hi avril know you are reading my blog :P

ooo alsooo somthing im very excited about is going to my friends party in auston in november and its fancy dress. fransesca is going as mushroom... no idea wat il go as.i want to make the costumes tho :D i cant wait to see wat auston is like, iv bein once but it was only for the day and i only saw teh concert venue and wat was aroud it lol :D yayy road trippp lol somthin to look forward to :D

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