Sunday 22 June 2008

morning bloggers

good morning bloggers, how is every one today? im great, not long out of bed, just givin fransesca her breakfast and now she is happy playing with her toys. the sun is slready shining and i can tell it is going to be a good day :)

we had a great day yesterday. after our very early morning we went back for a little nap then got ready for our trip to the park! fransesca is getting so independant now, she wants to dress herself and refuses to put on anything i pik out for her lol we were practicly matching yesterday she wanted to wear the same clothes as mummy wich can be cute somtimes lol she is refusing to wear hats in the sun unless im wearing one so im normaly walkig round wearing stupid sun hats lol anywaysss after we got dressed we packed a nice little picknik with some home made cookies.
sean came round then we headed of to the park. he was rly good with fransesca they talked for ages lol wich i found very funny cos i cant understand a word eather of them say when i try to talk to them lol fransesca loed teh swings and trd to eat the sand in teh sand pit i think she had a rly good day. every time sean went to kiss me or give me a hug fransesca came running over and tried to jump on his knee... i think she was jealouse but it was kind of cute (and a little bit annoying)

after the park we all came back to mine and i made dinner then sean went home. it was a good day :) the rest of the night me and fransesca watched the lion king and had a cuddle then we both hadan early night :)

not rly sure wat we are doing today i tihnk we will go shopping.

i wonder if any one reads this blog lol maby im talking to myself....i dont mind tho lol

update later byeeeeeee xxx

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