Thursday 26 June 2008

a new day new feelings

iv got myself out of the hump i was in yesterday. i think it was almost good to have a day with my thoughts and jsut work everything out in my head. sean stayed agen last night, i think iv realised that it is ok to like someone else, pluse john always wanted teh best for me and wanted me to be happy, and right now sean makes me smile and laugh and i think i could be very happy being with him.

fransesca had a good tiem when she was away for the night and day, im glad to have her back tho there is noise back in the house, she is playing with her toys just now, i love just watching her as she plays and learnd new things, i cant belive she is my baby somtimes she is so beautiful and i cant belive how much i love her, from the first moment i saw her i was over takin by this amaizing love that you cant put into words, id do anything for my little girl and id never let anyone hurt her ever!!!

i have to start packing soon to go to canada, i rly dont want to go if im being honest.... not sure wat to do

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