Friday 27 June 2008

picture this

ok picture this.....

i am sitting in my garden agenst the wall, my chair has bein stolen, but there is no point going inside and taking a chair from inside out because nearly all of them are out of bounds to lol

avril has bein over most the day im glad my big sister is back and it be rly nice to catch up and make up for lost time but unfortunatly she is busy playing with fransesca lol they are making up for lost time.... they are building a tent in the garden (im sure this was avs idea cos i dont think fransesca rly knows wat is going on she is jsut enjoying making a mess) they have takin every single kushion and sheet out of the house and are hanging them of the chairs lol its cute! they are so similar in so many ways lol they are very very cute to watch lol

so we are def going out tonight i think we are all going for a meal first then going to a club/bar. avril knows i am seeing someone but se hasnt met sean yet. im very nervouse about her meeting him my sis is one of my best friends her aproval is very importnat to sure she will aprove im jsut nervouse lol she thinks i shoudl invite him out for dinner but i think i might just get him to come to the club and it will be rly busy by then and loud and avril will be catching up with her friends so hopefuly she will jsut wave at him and spare me the nerves lol

(just letting you kno...the tent jsut fell down.....fransesca doesnt know weather to laugh or cry, i think avril wants to cry haha)

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