Saturday 28 June 2008

a lil bit dunk

hellooo we just got home :D goooood night very very fun. dinner was goooood we had sushii, we got a few octopus things that are like hole octopuses and dared each otehr to try them.... i got mine into my mouth then had to spit it out, it was goey and you could feel the legs and it was horibleeee. the rest of the sushi was good tho. we started drinking sakie in the restraunt to.. it was intresting, very strong.... was probs a bad idea lol my sibling were on there best behaviour round sean they did grill him a little but i tihnk avril likes his accent as much as i do so she was very nice to him lol then we went to the clubbb it was funnn we danced alottt and drank even more lol at one point we were all dancing and rosie slipped on the floor she fell down pulled me down with me and then lindcey fell on top of me we laughed so hard we couldnt get off the floor lol iv no idea wat time we left, i dont rly know wat time it is now but i jsut got home so we left about half an hour ago hehehehe sean is hear but dont tell my mom he is gona sneak out before she wakes ups that the plans dun if my mom would rly care that i have a boy hear, in my room, im a grown up :D yea ok she will kill me so dont tell herr lol

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