Friday 20 June 2008

spider club and family stuff

last night was so so so good!!! we went out to the spider club its was tigerheat night (at least thats what i think it was lol) we got all dressed up, make up dresses heals the lot it was amaizing to go out as me and not as me the mom who is constantly chaising a two year old and 9 times out of 10 coverd in mushy food!! we danced the night away. i met a boy on my course last night who id never talked to before. his name is sean he is from ireland so has a very very dreamy accent that i totaly love! we talked for ages about the most randum things numbers were exchange at the end of the night so maby il get a call who knows!!

i came home this morning to find deryck asleep on my sofa and mat my brother asleep on fransescas room floor with one arm in her crib lol apparently they also had a late night, fransesca looked very pleased with herself when she got up i think she had fun with her not so sure if they had fun tho!!

iv bein looking through the small amount of pictures i have on my laptop most of them are family snappes so im stuck in the back of them cos i am the tallest lol i found one picture tho of me my sister and my mom, people say that we all look alike but iv never sein it before....untill today!

this picture scares me slightly (sorry mom) i think my mom is beautiful but i like looking younge least i am taller :P maby if i still have this blog in ayear i will add a picture of mom me and fransesca and we can see if the next generation will look the same.... can i also add that by the time this picture was takin we had had a few drinks so are not looking our best.... that is my excuse and i am sticking to it lol

im going to go now i only have about another half hour before fransesca wakes up from her nap and i want to start chilling agen! i will upate you agen soon!!

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