Monday 21 July 2008

good morning

im keeping to my blogging go me!!!! lol

so wats the plan for today then? i have a doctors appointment in aboutttt 40 mins... i ate the doctor they always try take your blood but iv bein feeling rly icky the last few days so want to get checked out :D thennn im going for lunch with my girl friends... we are going to a vegan place, i have nothing agenst vegan food... i just rly like meat lol so it should be an intresting lunch eating flowers and other non meat things lol then tonight me and fransesca have our baby yoga class lol we are getting very good at it and fransesca loves it. i tihnk it rly chills her out and she gets to play with other kids her age :D

anyways iv nothin else to say life is rather boring jsut now lol il update later!!

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