Tuesday 1 July 2008

chicken pox

my poor baby has chicken pox, at first we though she jsut had a cold she had a bit of a high temp was rly wingey and kept sleeping but then last night she started getting spots, and being the good mother that i am i freaked out and rused her to the doctor, but its jsut chicken pox lol she will be fine in a few days. she is very infectiouse though so anyone that hasnt had chicken pox has to stay away lol most ppl are staying away anyways lol my mom is poppiong round to check on us and sean stayed last night but it still keeping his distanse from my spotty baby lol im kinda glad my mom is staying at avs now, means sean can stay agen with out my mom constanyl trying to be in the room with us lol its nice to having to kiss in the closet haha apart from that there is nothin else new, i have tests coming up soon so im studing loads, im rly nervouse, iv got a practical and a written. in teh paractical i gota do general examination and you get tested on bed side manner n stuff i also have to get an anal examinaition to a plastic duumy (so so so so nasty... n its not like i can exactly practise) me and sean hav bein practisng the general examinatin on each other though... heart rate ect ect ect. the writtin is a bit hared, they dont ask you strait forward questions they give you like a passage and you have to work out wat they are asking before you answer lol

on another lighter note, my sis is launching a new clothing range tis called abbey dawn its cool, its very her lol iv got one of the hoodies that it so cosy and she got some speacial sizes for fransesca that are soooo cute, she is my lil germ rocker baby lol

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