Sunday 20 July 2008

bad blogger

im a bad blogger!! iv bein busy but i guess not to busy to hard is it to take two mins out your day to update eh? i promise from now on i will update at leasttt 3 times a week!! a blog is a commitment and u gota love it and wright in it lol

sooo the last week.... its bein good, iv bein hanging out with my friends alot just general summer fun now my exams are over. sean is still hear but he is going back to ireland in a few days, and im gona miss him loads and loads!!!

fransesca is good she is getting bigger and bigger every day and is learning new words lol avril has taught her to say "no way" wich was cute and kinda funny at first but now wen ever i ask her somthin all she says is "no way".....isnt she a cutie lol
i am very slowly building up my LA tan...woohooo im not a very very light shade of brown!! fransesca has a better tan than me and she is constanly coverd up from the sun lol it doesnt make sence!!!

right im going to go...and im going to update lots n lots in teh next week to make up for my lack of blogging!!!

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